* @module @web3os-core/peer
* @author Jay Mathis <code@mathis.network>
* @license MIT
* @see https://peerjs.com
* @see https://github.com/web3os-org/kernel
* @todo Fix receiving emojis causing BinaryPackFailure
* @description
* PeerJS Utility
* <pre>
peer <command> <args> [options]
To set your ID (default is UUID):
peer id --id myfirstdevice
Default Connection Broker:
Kernel.get('peerjs', 'server-host') if set, or 0.peerjs.com
call <peer-id> [--video] [--audio] Call a peer with media streams
chat <peer-id> Open a text chat with a peer
connect <peer-id> Connect to a peer
id Display your peer ID
list List available peers
send <peer-id> [--text] [--text-file] [--json] [--json-file] Send a raw message
screen <peer-id> Share your screen with a peer
upload <peer-id> [--file] Upload a file to a peer
--debug Debug level ({0},1,2,3)
--file Path of the file to upload
--help Print this help message
--id Set your peer ID
--json JSON string to send
--json-file Path to JSON file to send
--server-host Set the peerjs broker host
--server-key Server API key (for 0.peerjs.com)
--server-path Set the peerjs broker path {/}
--server-port Set the peerjs broker port {443}
--text Text message to send
--text-file Path to the text file to send
--version Print the version information
* </pre>
import arg from 'arg'
import Peer from 'peerjs/dist/peerjs.esm'
import colors from 'ansi-colors'
import { parse as cliParse } from 'shell-quote'
import styles from './peer.module.css'
export const name = 'peer'
export const version = '0.1.0'
export const description = 'PeerJS Utility'
export const help = `
${colors.magenta.bold('PeerJS Utility')}
peer <command> <args> [options]
To set your ID (default is UUID):
peer id --id myfirstdevice
Default Connection Broker:
${colors.bold("Kernel.get('peerjs', 'server-host')")} if set, or ${colors.bold('0.peerjs.com')}
call <peer-id> [--video] [--audio] Call a peer with media streams
chat <peer-id> Open a text chat with a peer
connect <peer-id> Connect to a peer
id Display your peer ID
list List available peers
send <peer-id> [--text] [--text-file] [--json] [--json-file] Send a raw message
screen <peer-id> Share your screen with a peer
upload <peer-id> [--file] Upload a file to a peer
--debug Debug level ({0},1,2,3)
--file Path of the file to upload
--help Print this help message
--id Set your peer ID
--json JSON string to send
--json-file Path to JSON file to send
--server-host Set the peerjs broker host
--server-key Server API key (for 0.peerjs.com)
--server-path Set the peerjs broker path {/}
--server-port Set the peerjs broker port {443}
--text Text message to send
--text-file Path to the text file to send
--version Print the version information
export const spec = {
'--audio': Boolean,
'--debug': Number,
'--file': String,
'--id': String,
'--help': Boolean,
'--json': String,
'--json-file': String,
'--server-key': String,
'--server-host': String,
'--server-port': Number,
'--server-path': String,
'--server-secure': Boolean,
'--server-ping-interval': Number,
'--text': String,
'--text-file': String,
'--version': Boolean,
'--video': Boolean
let kernel = globalThis.Kernel
let terminal
const { t } = kernel.i18n
export let id = ''
export let instance
export const connections = {}
export function setupInstance () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
instance.on('open', myId => { id = myId; resolve(id) })
instance.on('error', err => { console.error(err); reject(err) })
instance.on('connection', connection => {
connection.on('open', () => {
console.log('Incoming connection from', connection.peer)
kernel.execute(`snackbar Incoming connection from ${connection.peer}`)
connections[connection.peer] = { connection }
connection.on('data', data => processIncomingData(data, connection))
instance.on('call', async call => {
let avState = ''
if (call.metadata.video && call.metadata.audio) avState = 'Audio & Video'
if (call.metadata.video && !call.metadata.audio) avState = 'Video Only'
if (!call.metadata.video && call.metadata.audio) avState = 'Audio Only'
if (call.metadata.screen) avState = 'Screenshare'
const container = document.createElement('div')
container.innerHTML = `
You have an incoming call (${avState}) from:
<br />
<strong style='font-family: monospace'>${call.peer}</strong>
const result = await kernel.dialog({
icon: 'info',
title: `Incoming ${call.metadata.screen ? 'Screenshare' : 'Call'}`,
html: container.outerHTML,
reverseButtons: true,
showDenyButton: true,
denyButtonText: 'Decline',
confirmButtonText: call.metadata.screen ? 'Accept' : 'Answer'
if (result.isConfirmed) {
if (call.metadata.screen) {
} else {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: call.metadata?.audio, video: call.metadata?.video })
call.on('stream', peerStream => {
const video = document.createElement('video')
video.style.width = '100%'
video.style.height = '100%'
if ('srcObject' in video) {
video.srcObject = peerStream
} else {
video.src = URL.createObjectURL(peerStream)
video.onloadedmetadata = () => video.play()
const title = call.metadata.screen ? t('Screen') : `${t('Call')} ${call.metadata.audio ? `(${t('Audio')})` : ''}${call.metadata.video ? `(${t('Video')})` : ''}`
title: `${title}: ${call.peer}`,
mount: video,
max: true,
onclose: () => {
call.on('close', () => {
console.log('call closed')
async function processIncomingData (data, connection) {
console.debug({ data, connection })
if (typeof data === 'object' && data.cmd) {
let result
switch (data.cmd) {
case 'chat':
result = await kernel.dialog({
title: 'Incoming Chat',
html: `<p>Peer ID:<br />${connection.peer}</p><h3>Accept?</h3>`,
showDenyButton: true,
confirmButtonText: 'Yes'
if (result.isConfirmed) openChatWindow(connections[connection.peer])
case 'upload':
result = await kernel.dialog({
title: t('Incoming Upload'),
html: `<p>${t('Peer ID')}:<br />${connection.peer}</p><p>${t('Filename')}:<br />${data.filename}</p>`,
inputLabel: t('Where would you like to save this file?'),
inputValue: kernel.get('peer', 'defaultReceivePath') || '/tmp',
reverseButtons: true,
showDenyButton: true,
denyButtonText: t('Cancel'),
confirmButtonText: t('Save'),
input: 'text'
if (result.isConfirmed) return kernel.fs.writeFileSync(data.filename, data.content)
throw new Error(`Invalid command ${JSON.stringify(data)} received from peer ${connection.peer}`)
export function connect (peerId, args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!peerId || peerId === '') return reject(new Error('Invalid peer'))
connections[peerId] = { connection: instance.connect(peerId) }
connections[peerId].connection.on('open', () => resolve(peerId))
connections[peerId].connection.on('error', err => {
export async function call (peerId, args) {
const peer = connections[peerId]
if (!peer) throw new Error('Not connected to that peer')
if (!navigator.mediaDevices) throw new Error('Media devices not available')
const metadata =
? { screen: true }
: { audio: args['--audio'], video: args['--video'] }
const stream = args.screen ? await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia() : await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(metadata)
const call = instance.call(peerId, stream, { metadata })
call.on('stream', peerStream => {
const video = document.createElement('video')
video.style.width = '100%'
video.style.height = '100%'
if ('srcObject' in video) {
video.srcObject = peerStream
} else {
video.src = URL.createObjectURL(peerStream)
video.onloadedmetadata = () => video.play()
const title = metadata.screen ? t('Screen') : `${t('Call')} ${metadata.audio ? `(${t('Audio')})` : ''}${metadata.video ? `(${t('Video')})` : ''}`
title: `${title}: ${call.peer}`,
mount: video,
max: true,
onclose: () => {
call.on('close', () => {
console.log('call closed')
export function openChatWindow (peer) {
const container = document.createElement('div')
const chat = document.createElement('div')
const form = document.createElement('form')
const input = document.createElement('input')
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.type = 'submit'
button.textContent = 'Send'
const receiveMessage = data => {
if (typeof data !== 'string') return
const bubble = document.createElement('div')
bubble.classList.add(styles.bubble, styles.toMe)
bubble.textContent = typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)
const sendMessage = data => {
if (!data || data === '') return
const bubble = document.createElement('div')
bubble.textContent = data
peer.connection.on('data', receiveMessage)
peer.connection.send({ cmd: 'chat' })
form.addEventListener('submit', e => {
input.value = ''
title: `Chat: ${peer.connection.peer}`,
mount: container,
width: '100%',
max: false,
onclose: () => {
peer.connection.off('data', receiveMessage)
export async function chat (peerId) {
const peer = connections[peerId]
if (!peer) throw new Error('Not connected to that peer')
export async function screen (peerId) {
const peer = connections[peerId]
if (!peer) throw new Error('Not connected to that peer')
if (!navigator.mediaDevices) throw new Error('Media devices not available')
call(peerId, { screen: true })
export async function send (peerId, args) {
const peer = connections[peerId]
if (!peer) throw new Error('Not connected to that peer')
if (args['--text']) return peer.connection.send(args['--text'])
if (args['--text-file']) return peer.connection.send(kernel.fs.readFileSync(args['--text-file']).toString())
if (args['--json']) return peer.connection.send(JSON.parse(args['--json']))
if (args['--json-file']) return peer.connection.send(JSON.parse(kernel.fs.readFileSync(args['--json-file']).toString()))
export async function upload (peerId, args) {
const peer = connections[peerId]
if (!peer) throw new Error('Not connected to that peer')
const content = kernel.fs.readFileSync(args['--file'])
peer.connection.send({ cmd: 'upload', filename: kernel.utils.path.parse(args['--file']).base, content })
export async function run (term, context = '') {
const args = arg(spec, { argv: cliParse(context) })
if (args['--version']) return term.log(version)
if (args['--help']) return term.log(help)
const cmd = args._?.[0]
terminal = term
kernel = term.kernel
const peerOptions = {}
if (args['--debug']) peerOptions.debug = args['--debug']
if (args['--server-key']) peerOptions.key = args['--server-key']
if (args['--server-host']) peerOptions.host = args['--server-host']
if (args['--server-port']) peerOptions.port = args['--server-port']
if (args['--server-path']) peerOptions.path = args['--server-path']
if (args['--server-secure']) peerOptions.secure = args['--server-secure']
if (args['--server-ping-interval']) peerOptions.pingInterval = args['--server-ping-interval']
if (!args['--server-host'] && kernel.get('peerjs', 'server-host')) {
peerOptions.host = kernel.get('peerjs', 'server-host')
if (args['--id'] && id !== args['--id']) {
instance = new Peer(args?.['--id'], peerOptions)
await setupInstance()
if (!instance) {
instance = new Peer(peerOptions)
await setupInstance()
switch (cmd) {
case 'call':
return await call(args._?.[1], args)
case 'chat':
return await chat(args._?.[1], args)
case 'connect':
return await connect(args._?.[1], args)
case 'id':
return term.log(id)
case 'list':
return term.log(Object.keys(connections))
case 'screen':
return await screen(args._?.[1], args)
case 'send':
return await send(args._?.[1], args)
case 'upload':
return await upload(args._?.[1], args)
return term.log(help)