* Web3os Package Manager
* @module @web3os-core/3pm
* @description Manage installed packages
* @author Jay Mathis <code@mathis.network>
* @license MIT
* @see https://github.com/web3os-org/kernel
/* global fetch, localStorage */
/* eslint-disable no-new-func */
import arg from 'arg'
import colors from 'ansi-colors'
import { parse as cliParse } from 'shell-quote'
export let DefaultPackageRegistry = 'https://unpkg.com'
export const name = '3pm'
export const version = '0.1.0'
export const description = 'Web3os Package Manager'
export const help = `
${colors.blue('3pm')}: ${colors.green('The web3os package manager')}
3pm <command> <args> [options]
install <name> Install (or update) package named <name> from the registry
install <url> Install (or update) package located at <url>
ls List installed packages
uninstall <name> Uninstall package
--help Show this help message
--main Override a package's main entrypoint
--registry Package registry {https://unpkg.com}
--system Install the package as a SystemJS module
--umd Install the package as a UMD module
--version Show version information
const spec = {
'--help': Boolean,
'--main': String,
'--registry': String,
'--system': Boolean,
'--umd': Boolean,
'--version': Boolean,
'-h': '--help',
'-v': '--version'
let kernel = globalThis.Kernel
let terminal = globalThis.Terminal
* ModInfo Object
* @typedef ModInfo
* @property {string} name - Module name
* @property {string} description - Module description
* @property {string} help - Module help information
* @property {string} url - Module URL
* @property {string} pkgJson - Module package.json
* @property {string} pkgJson.web3osData - Data specific to web3os
* Install a package
* @async
* @param {!string} url - The package URL (or just package name to use default registry)
* @param {Object=} args - The arguments for the installation
* @param {boolean=} [args.warn=true] - Show the installation warning if the user has never seen it
* @returns {Promise<(boolean|ModInfo)>} ModInfo or false on error
export async function install (url, args = { warn: true }) {
console.log({ url })
const warned = localStorage.getItem('web3os_3pm_install_warning_hidden')
if (!warned && args.warn) {
localStorage.setItem('web3os_3pm_install_warning_hidden', true)
terminal.log(`\n${colors.bgRed.white('WARNING')}: Do not install any packages unless you trust them completely.`)
terminal.log(colors.bold(`All apps run in an inherently insecure context. ${colors.danger('This will be your last warning!')}`))
terminal.log(colors.underline('Repeat the command to continue with the installation\n'))
return false
if (typeof url === 'object') url = url.url || url.pattern
if (!url) throw new Error('Invalid package name or URL')
if (!/^(http|ftp).*\:/i.test(url)) url = `${args['--registry'] || kernel.get('3pm', 'default-package-registry') || DefaultPackageRegistry}/${url}`
const pkgJson = await (await fetch(`${url}/package.json?t=${Math.random().toString(36)}`, { cache: 'no-store' })).json()
const name = pkgJson.name
const pkgName = name.split('/')
const pkgBrowser = pkgJson.browser ? (typeof pkgJson.browser === 'string' ? pkgJson.browser : Object.values(pkgJson.browser)[0]) : null
const pkgModule = pkgJson.module ? (typeof pkgJson.module === 'string' ? pkgJson.module : Object.values(pkgJson.module)[0]) : null
const main = args['--main'] || pkgBrowser || pkgModule || pkgJson.main || 'index.js'
const mainUrl = `${url}/${main}`
let type = 'es'
if (args['--umd']) type = 'umd'
if (args['--system']) type = 'system'
if (kernel.modules[name]) await uninstall(name)
let mod
try {
switch (type) {
case 'umd':
mod = await kernel.importUMDModule(mainUrl)
case 'systemjs':
mod = await globalThis.System.import(mainUrl)
mod = await import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ mainUrl)
} catch (err) {
console.error('IMPORT ERROR:', err, { name, type, main, mod, pkgJson })
if (!mod) throw new Error('Failed to import module')
if (pkgName.length > 1) {
if (!kernel.fs.existsSync(`/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}`)) kernel.fs.mkdirSync(`/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}`)
if (!kernel.fs.existsSync(`/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}/${pkgName[1]}@${pkgJson.version}`)) kernel.fs.mkdirSync(`/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}/${pkgName[1]}@${pkgJson.version}`)
} else {
if (!kernel.fs.existsSync(`/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}@${pkgJson.version}`)) kernel.fs.mkdirSync(`/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}@${pkgJson.version}`)
const pkgFolder = pkgName.length > 1 ? `/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}/${pkgName[1]}@${pkgJson.version}` : `/var/packages/${pkgName[0]}@${pkgJson.version}`
pkgJson.web3osData = { pkgFolder, url, main, type }
kernel.fs.writeFileSync(`${pkgFolder}/package.json`, JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), 'utf8')
const packages = JSON.parse(kernel.fs.readFileSync('/config/packages', 'utf8'))
const index = packages.indexOf(url)
if (index > -1) packages.splice(index, 1)
kernel.fs.writeFileSync('/config/packages', JSON.stringify(packages, null, 2))
const description = pkgJson.description || mod.description
const help = pkgJson.help || mod?.help
const modInfo = { description, help, name, url, pkgJson }
await kernel.loadModule(mod, modInfo)
await mod.web3osInstall?.(modInfo)
kernel.notify.success(`Installed ${modInfo.name}@${pkgJson.version}`)
return modInfo
* Uninstall a package
* @async
* @param {!string} name - The name of the package to uninstall
* @returns {boolean} true if the package was uninstalled
export async function uninstall (name) {
const packages = JSON.parse(kernel.fs.readFileSync('/config/packages', 'utf8'))
const pkg = packages.find(p => (new RegExp(`^${name}@`)).test(p))
if (!pkg) throw new Error('Package not found')
const pkgJson = JSON.parse(kernel.fs.readFileSync(`/var/packages/${pkg}/package.json`))
const newPackages = packages.filter(p => p !== `${pkgJson.name}@${pkgJson.version}`)
kernel.fs.writeFileSync('/config/packages', JSON.stringify(newPackages, null, 2))
if (kernel.fs.existsSync(`/bin/${pkgJson.name}`)) kernel.fs.unlinkSync(`/bin/${pkgJson.name}`)
// TODO: Delete package folder
delete kernel.modules[pkgJson.name]
return true
* Run the 3pm CLI
* @async
* @param {Web3osTerminal} term - The terminal to attach to
* @param {string} context - The arguments string to parse
* @returns {any} result of the command
export async function run (term, context) {
terminal = term
kernel = term.kernel
const args = arg(spec, { argv: cliParse(context) })
const cmd = args._?.[0]
if (args['--help']) return term.log(help)
if (args['--version']) return term.log(version)
try {
switch (cmd) {
case 'install':
return await install(args._?.slice(1)[0], args)
case 'ls':
return await kernel.execute('cat /config/packages')
case 'uninstall':
return await uninstall(args._?.slice(1)[0], args)
return term.log(help)
} catch (err) {